Deák Maximilián

Joining time: 02.10.2020Major: Vehicle Engineering BScDepartment: Leadership – Construction manager Introduction:In September 2020, I joined the SZEngine team, where I strengthen the thermodynamics department. My tasks include the development and optimization of the […]

Fehér Viktor

Joining time: 11.10.2021Major: Vehicle Engineering BScDepartment: Test Introduction: In the fall of 2021, I joined the Test department of the SZEngine team, where I help the team with my experience in […]

Lugosi Lilla

Joining time: 11.02.2021Major: Legal assistant FOSZKDepartment: Leadership Introduction:I joined the SZEngine team in March of 2021, where I strengthened the Management department and focused on sponsorship and ordering parts. Among other things, I […]