Giovanny Morocho

Joining time: 18.09.2022Major: Vehicle Engineering MScDepartment: Hybrid Powertrain Development Introduction:My name is Giovanny and I’m from Ecuador. I’m a Mechanical and Automotive Engineer. Last year I started the Masters Program […]

Bashar Moudallal

Joining time: 18.09.2022Major: Vehicle Engineering MScDepartment: Hybrid Drivetrain Development Introduction:Hi there! My name is Bashar Moudallal, and I am a highly competitive individual with a passion for driving positive change […]

Rubovszky Áron

Joining time: 15.09.2020Major: Vehicle Engineering MScDepartment: Test Introduction:I joined the group in september of 2020, from that time I’was a member of the test department. Inthe begining my job was […]

Sebestyén Richárd

Joining time: 11.10.2021Major: Vehicle Engineering BScDepartment: Design Introduction: I am a sixth-year vehicle engineering student and a team member of the Design department. I have always been interested in how […]

Fehér Viktor

Joining time: 11.10.2021Major: Vehicle Engineering BScDepartment: Test Introduction: In the fall of 2021, I joined the Test department of the SZEngine team, where I help the team with my experience in […]

Bánfalvi Bence

Joining time: 20.09.2019Major: Vehicle Engineering BScDepartment: Thermodinamics Introduction:I first met the team in February 2019 at the university’s open day. I have a vivid image of that day, as my […]

Kovács Marcell

Joining time: 20.09.2019Major: Vehicle Engineering BScDepartment: Test Introduction:I started my studies at the university in the fall of 2019 as a vehicle engineering student. During freshman week, I got to […]

Kocsis Bálint

Joining time: 24.09.2019Major: Vehicle Engineering BScDepartment: Thermodynamics Introduction:I am a fifth-year Vehicle Engineering student, head of the Thermodynamics department. In October 2019, I applied to the Test and Brake Pad […]