- How long were you a member of the team, which department did you belong to?
From 2018 to 2020, I was a member of the Test and Brake Pad department.
- What were your main tasks?
My tasks included preparing the engine for car and motorcycle dyno tests, performing repairs, making exhaust systems, developing the motorcycle dyno and the dyno environment.
- What are you most proud of among your achievements in the team?
I am most proud of my work related to the exhaust system, because I had to make several exhaust systems and mount the different concepts on the engine brake bench so that we could validate the simulations with measurements.
- What was your best experience during your time here?
I gained a lot of experiences during the time I spent in the team, cheering at the competition, training sessions lasting into the night and joint team programs are all experiences that I look back on as fond memories.
- Why was your time in the team valuable to you?
I was able to develop a lot during the time I spent in the team, both in soft skills and professionally. I learned how important it is to coordinate projects and divide tasks. And perhaps what is even more valuable is that most of the friendships made in the team have lasted ever since and we can count on each other at any time in both professional and non-professional matters.