- How long were you a member of the team, which department did you belong to?
I was a member of the then design department for one year from 2018 to 2019.
- What were your main tasks?
At that time, we mainly dealt with the EVO 6, and I designed smaller parts for it. I also designed and manufactured the current motor starter stand. In addition, I designed the crankshaft and managed the production of smaller parts.
- What are you most proud of among your achievements in the team?
Most proud.. Well, maybe for making the production plans for the crankshaft. And the most beautiful moment was when we drove the Endurance at East in 2019 and I saw the then first-year Motorsport car, in which our engine was working, come around.
- Why was your time in the team valuable to you?
In any case, it was good to see the FS team from the inside and to be active in it. I also learned a lot about how to design a part for production. I also learned a lot about using Creo and that material qualities are no joke.